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Mentimeter will make you look like a pro pub quiz host and definitely Copying a Quiz Competition question to another presentation. - Create a new presentation. - Go to the presentation where you can find your ‘Quiz competion’ slide. (Please note! When you do not yet have a Quiz Competition slide, follow the steps under ‘Creating a Quiz Competition from existing ‘regular’ slides.). Lost connection to Mentimeter servers What you should do if you have been away from your computer for a while with Mentimeter open in your browser. Written by Emma Cullen Quiz é o nome de um jogo de questionários que tem como objetivo fazer uma avaliação dos conhecimentos sobre determinado assunto.Neste vídeo, aprenderemos a c Der Fokus von Mentimeter liegt vor allem auf Live-Quizze.

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Roadmap. Feature Requests. Category. Uncategorized.

A: Urban passive environment, B: Urban active environment, C: (Kahoot, Mentimeter m.fl.) som dock  av B från konferensen i Malmö · 2016 — aching.web.cern.ch/project-physicsteaching/swedish/lectures htm Den franske upplysningsfilosofen Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) pub- licerade 1762 sitt verk meringar och simuleringar samt enkla ”quiz”-uppgifter och uppgifter som kräver AnswerGarden, Padlets, Mentimeter och Thinglink.

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See whos knows the most random questions and who needs to work on their general knowledge. Prepare. Build interactive presentations with the easy-to-use online editor.

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Mentimeter online pub quiz

To play this quiz, please finish editing it.

Just enter the questions you want, and mark the correct answer. Use your quiz as part of a more extensive presentation, combine your quiz with other Mentimeter questions types, or simply on its own.
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Empower attendees to ask questions and contribute to the discussion with live polls, open-ended questions and other interactive question types. An interactive presentation, polling and quizzing tool, Mentimeter is beloved for its clean appearance, ease of use, and varied question types.

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Well, a lot of platforms are organizing these kinds of virtual pub quizzes where people can participate online and have fun with other people. This as fun as it sounds. On Kahoot’s free plan, users have access to just 2 types of slides: a ‘Quiz’ slide (multiple choice) and a ‘True or False’ slide (a more limited multiple choice). AhaSlides’ free users have access to all 16 slides , with no limit on the amount of slides they can use in a presentation.

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